When You use the Website or send emails or other data, information or communication to us, You agree and understand that You are communicating with Us through electronic records and You consent to receive communications via electronic records from Us periodically and as and when required. We may communicate with you by email or by such other mode of communication, electronic or otherwise.

While availing any of the payment method/s available on the Website, we will not be responsible or assume any liability, whatsoever in respect of any loss or damage arising directly or indirectly to you due to:

  • Lack of authorization for any transaction/s, or
  • Exceeding the preset limit mutually agreed by You and between "Bank/s", or
  • Any payment issues arising out of the transaction, or
  • Decline of transaction for any other reason/s
  • Further acknowledgements you hereby acknowledge and agree that this Privacy Policy:
  • is clear and easily accessible and provide statements of Mad1store’s policies and practices with respective to the Information;
  • Provides for the various types of personal or sensitive personal data of information to be collected;
  • Provides for the purposes of collection and usage of the Information;
  • Provides for disclosure of Information; and
  • Provides for reasonable security practices and procedures.